• latency, cost, durability

  • basic and advanced features

  • streaming data on S3 ??
  • WarpStream (Kafka substitute)

S3 caveats

ListObjects is not the only way to get object keysdon’t rely on validating only that ListBucket is denied
Incomplete multipart uploads are not observableneed lifecycle rule to delete partial multipart uploads.
Multipart upload listings leak return principal ARNs
Access control lists can grant access based on emailavoid ACLs
Storage class is uploader’s choiceIAM policy with a special condition key
Pretty much everything is uploader’s choiceuse pre-signed URLs
S3 will tell you the bucket owner if you ask nicelydisallow ListBuckets, ListBucketVersions and ListMultipartUploads
Keys are case sensitive
VloudFront and Cognito are ways to make a bucket public, not detected by security toolsreview explicitly

Optimizing performance