Market returns vs individual stocks
Power laws apply to public company stocks as much as VC investments
Majority of stocks underperform the market
Outsized returns from few companies
Same effect observed in international equities: few strong winners driving market returns (even more strongly than in the US)
Which companies with outsized returns?
Predictive power:
- younger firms
- firms with rapid asset growth and cash growth
- rapid income growth was the most predictive
Best strategy: diversification
- incredibly difficult to pick the few winners
- this confirms the need for diversification
- ”own the market” to capture outsized returns of a few winners
Geographic diversification as well
- US market had an incredibly good run
- remember to diversify also geographically
- consider dividend-paying global stock indices
much of what has been written is overly simplistic
it’s the opposite of momentum, it’s a contrarian strategy
still very positive, restores diversification
when diversifying, the best approach is to consider fundamentals instead of fixed % of portfolio