Ever got tired of looking at the same irrelevant job description again and again1?

I do, and so decided to do something about that.

Yesterday afternoon, powered by frustration, I opened my IDE, made sure my coding assistant was ready and went for it.

A few hours later I had the first working iteration of what I later dubbed JobSentry.

It’s a job seeking assistant that:

  • Knows where to search for job descriptions
  • Knows how to narrow down from the thousands of listings to the hundreds
  • And then uses a state of the art AI model to score the hundreds of listings, while considering your skills, to provide you with the best matching ones

As I wrapped up for the evening, I thought, “wow, applications of AI can truly be a game changer!”

In pictures


Search page, with area for describing your skills

Results, scored by AI and listing pros and cons

But where is the source?

For now it’s all in a private repo. While I might decide to share the full source at some point, it’s just a few hundred lines of Python created with the help of Copilot, so nothing to write home about.

My main purpose for writing about this is to show examples of very productive and positive uses of AI.


Feel free to drop me a line to learn more about the project


  1. Whether I’m looking casually or on a full time job search, I find the low signal-to-noise ratio very annoying. ↩